This is what I like, a Give-Away that results in some KOOL, pics and vids.
What I was looking for was some action shots for C3, C4 and C5 Vettes and I’m sure you’ll agree that these are pretty good entries.

This is Tony Z's C4 Burn. Now that is some smoke action!! We'll call him Crazy Tony Z!!!!

Do don't get to do this often. Don H. doing hot laps at Watkins Glen!!!!
This next on is the maybe the hot’s C4 burn out I’ve seen

This is Doug B. C4, which is gonna need some new rubber!!!!
The only C3 entry was Roy O. You’ve seen some of his vids here, but you are going to LOVE this one. This is Roy’s C3.
[vodpod id=Video.16152592&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
We measured the winners were Don and Doug with the highest numbers of Likes on my companion Face Book Page :
They each picked up an original C4 dealership promo model.
Much Fun!!!
Thanks for reading.