As I stated in my last post, the molded hose for the power steering unit is no longer made. So here is an idea that can be used to get around that problem for really just about any regular hose for just about any use. As long as the diameter is correct you can you use metal pipe for the molded portion of the hose. My plan was to remove the shaped hose and take it to a shop that specialize in shaping pipe or least as a sideline to their metal work business. They can normally create any shape. After that is shaped, you can use straight hose on each end to attach to the fittings. You’ll need two additional hose clamps. This is made easier if you have the metal shop slightly grind down the ends to slide into the rubber hose ends.
Pls note that you have to be sure that metal is proper for the area you are going to use it in and for the fluid that is going to pass through it.
So that was my plan for replacing the discontinued hose. I typed “was” because as I got into the project I realised that particular hose was not necessary to replace. This was a stroke of luck, because it would have taken a few days with the Corvette apart to get that accomplished.
I’m going to give you a heads up right now. I did NOT finish this project just on my own. Nope, that whole Average skills and Average tools thing plays an important role in accomplishing projects.
I took a couple of videos and I’ll see if I can get WordPress to work better than last time and I’ll toss them in at the end of this entry.
HELPFUL HINT: There is a lot of fluid in the power steering reservoir. As soon as you release the hoses, it’s going to poor all over the front of your engine and then on the ground. An oil change tub will help keep it off the garage floor, no staining and no tracking it around. However, it will still run down the engine. So, I used a turkey baster. EEEERRRKKK…(yeah it’s in caps!!!) Do not put it back in the kitchen when you’re….NO…NO..NO….In fact if you are smart, ask first!!! I did and I was surprised to hear “Sure, but you’ll have to purchase a replacement.” For a minute I thought….well that’ll come out of my car budget….and I thought…I wonder if I can clean it up…and…ummm…(kidding of course). It worked great and I just have to purchase one…but not until Thanksgiving!!!! $10 bucks says..I’ll forget and have to run out on Thanksgiving and stand in line for 1.25 hours, if I can find one at all. BTW – I recommend “Pampered Chief” brand for power steering fluid removal!!!! The next couple of pics show where we are on the engine and the hoses.
The two circles indicate the two bolts that need to be, “at the least loosened” if not removed. You’ll notice that one can not be removed, unless the pulley is removed. I’m not going to take the pulley off and there lies the issue that I needed assistance with.
But I did manage to remove and check both hoses, which resulted in the determination that the discontinued molded hose was still in great shape and not a threat to leak any time soon.

Intro "Kitty" neighborhood cat that often shows up and sits in or on my cars while I work on them. Not having Thumbs, he's really no help.
Here is at the end of the bulk hose that goes from the reservoir to the power steering pump.
It was in pretty bad shape.
And here is the pic with the new hose attached. The hose had to be routed back through the reservoir bracket.
As it turned out the actual removal of the reservoir required the removal of some key bolts that did in fact impact the position of the alternator. As I removed the bolts I noticed the alternator shift. At the beginning I didn’t think that was possible, because there is a solid bar attached to the alternator and the engine, however it did not. I had most of the bolt out and decided that I’d better get them back in and I did except one and I should not get that one to line up.
So off I go to my favorite place down the street and I had them finish it up.
Here are some after pics.
Another repair down. It’s been a couple of tough months for the Corvette and her engine is going to need a good detailing, but not just yet. I have another huge modification come up…a new intake. That will be pretty soon, so keep checking back.
Thanks for reading.