I was sitting around on Father’s Day, relieved of all my normal Sunday duties (I did double time yesterday and got most of them accomplished – my wife picked up the rest for the day), thinking I was going to kick back for the day and just be a bum. But then I got “the itch”. You know, when you absolutely have more than an hour of free time and don’t care who’s ahead in the NBA Championship and long ago you gave up watching baseball because you kept dosing off by the 6th inning and nothing there’s nothing good to munch on. So you start twitching and you just have go do something. Not just anything but something…mechanical…something that has dirt and grease and involves a fair amount of muscle vs. metal action. Even though is 104 degrees out and the garage isn’t AC’ed (you don’t even have a fan) you just got too get something real done and BAM!!! one of your projects is getting some attention!!!! That me was me today.
So I looked over the Dual Twin (Bridgestone 1966 Dual Twin) and what I had scheduled for the next part of the restoration and thought…Do I really want to tackle the electrical system today? That’s gonna take a few days. How about something that I can get done between now and dinner, when I have my Father’s Day steak and corn on the cob? So I decided to remove the dual exhaust system.
This a rather simple task and needed to be done eventually and doing today I’d feel like a accomplished something. (Isn’t that just the opposite of what is suppose to happen on Father’s Day?)
So I started looking over exhaust and basically there were two bolts and mounts, plus two more for the header. Here are some pics:


One of the bolts and mount

Inside bolt and mount.

Manifold/Header bolts
So you have four bolts and one interesting header to baffle connection. Check out the connection:

It’s rubber!!!
Yup rubber. With a old style ”squeeze” clamp and a screw type clamp. Clearly original equipment!
Next up will be a couple videos showing removal. But that will be tomorrow…I hear beer calling me. “Honey…..fetch me a cold one!!!! (Seriously….that doesn’t work at my house, even on Father’s Day.)
Thanks for reading.