Barrett Jackson Auction is on Speed Channel this weekend!!!!

1962 Ford ragtop
The hammer price on this resale red 390 V-8 ’62 Ford is $23,500
via The hammer price on this resale red 390 V-8 ’62 Ford is … on Twitpic.

A 74-year-old survivor, this 1940 Oldsmobile sedan gets hammered sold at $29,000
Thanks for reading….NOW GO FIND THE SPEED CHANNEL!!!!
AUTOS: Barrett-Jackson, Hot August Nights A Great Combination
For the folks at Barrett-Jackson, Reno is a market filled with passionate automotive fans, and for show attendees, Reno is a new venue that allows many of them to attend a Barrett-Jackson auction for the very first time. SPEEDĀ …
AUTOS: Barrett-Jackson Speeding Into The Future With FOX
SPEED executive producer Rick Miner, who heads the massive effort to televise every Barrett-Jackson auction, said the same intensity will be dedicated to the coverage under FOX Sports as it has been with SPEED.