The answer is a 1967 Dodge Polara. Steve got it correct.
I like these cars especially with the 440’s.
Ok this is one of the big three.
These came with various engine sizes and in two and four door.
Back then not really considered a muscle car, but I’ve seen some you’d call American Muscle with no problem.
Good Luck.
Thanks for reading.
Recap of the rules:
Here how it works.
A small excerpt of a car photo will be post and you have to guess the car and year.
Each pic will be accompanied by a few hints. These will be production cars, not concepts or one off’s.
I’ll post as often a possible and keep a tally of the first right answers on the image that follows.
You have to be the first with the right answer and the first to reach 5 correct answers.
The first with five correct answers will win a free gift. Normally, car related DVD, CD or a Bolt Depot Fastener gauge (screw/bolt) – metric or U.S. (These will be mailed to you, so you are going to have to provide an address.)
Additional note: All of these cars will have had appeared on my blog over the past 1.5 years.
So here is the first image.
This is a GM. Produced in the 1960’s.
Post your best guesses. First correct answer posted wins.
Thanks for reading…good luck.
Ok..I enjoy this one.
Here how it works.
A small excerpt of a car photo will be post and you have to guess the car and year.
Each pic will be accompanied by a few hints. These will be production cars, not concepts or one off’s.
I’ll post them as often as possible and keep a tally of the first right answer on the image that follows.
You have to be the first with the right answer and the first to reach 5 correct answers.
The first with five correct answers will win a free gift. Normally, car related DVD, CD or a Bolt Depot Fastener gauge (screw/bolt) – metric or U.S. (These will be mailed to you, so you are going to have to provide an address.)
I’ll start the contest tomorrow (4/11/11). So stay tuned.
Brush up on your car parts. (Additional note: All of these cars will have had appeared on my blog over the past 1.5 years.)
Thanks for reading.
Here another Auto Factoid.
Maybe one of the most famous carburetors was the Carter. Famous, you ask? Read on.
Will Carter was born in 1884 in Union City, Tennessee. He opened his first shop when he was only 17 years old where he repaired bikes, guns and anything mechanical. In 1902 he moved his business to St. Louis, Missouri where it expanded it to include the few cars that were in the “big” city.
It was there that he became familiar with the current issues with regulating fuel (not great quality) for the power plants in those early cars. Finding them wanting he began as all inventors, experimenting.
His improvements eventually lead to a reputation for providing the best fuel air mixture carburetors available and my 1909 with financial backing from a friend he opened Carter Carburetor Company. One year later he was granted a patent for his Model C carb, an updraft carb with an air valve. It featured, automatic-multiple jets, with adjustments of low, intermediate and high speeds.
By 1911, just 2 years from opening he had designed the first downdraft carb, using vacuum from the manifold to pump fuel from the gas tank and filling a small bowl above the carb.
In 1915 Will moved this manufacturing into a new building. Financially the company wasn’t doing well under Will’s management and in 1916 filled for reorganization and Will was no longer involved in the management of the company. In 1922 the company was purchased by American Car and Foundry Company (now called AFC Industries). The company continued on producing replacement carbs for the next three years.
In 1925 they received their first order for producing original equipment for Chevrolets. Three years after that Chrysler came calling for original parts and eventually the likes of Ford, Nash and Willys followed.
The next major milestone for the Carter company was in 1952 with the development and marketing of the first of its kind – the four barrel carb. It’s first use was on the Buick straight eight engine. The new-found horse power and the ability to add more than one carb to the manifold, ‘fuel’ the development of all the super-cars to come.
So where’s the famous part? (As if creating the first every four barrel carb wasn’t enough!!!!) Ok you may have heard of the Beach Boys, yes? Yeah that’s right the “409”….my four speed, dual quad Positraction 409..409..409…” Two Carter four barrels were what was on top of that 409 and it was called the “dual quad” still is today.
The company continued on to a developed the Thermo Quad in the 1970’s (first carb to use a plastic main body) and followed that up with an electronic choke model. The company still produced “old school” carbs for the restoration market and new cars.
The company continued on to a developed the Thermo Quad in the 1970’s (first carb to use a plastic main body) and followed that up with an electronic choke model. The company still produced “old school” carbs for the restoration market and new cars.
Some of the common uses back then:
– Chrysler used them on their Hemis and they helped power the “Street Hemi” which sported the quad set up.
– Pontiac use them on their GTO
– Oldsmobile used them
Thanks for reading.
Good history on Carter, Tim, but you left out the one Carter product that gave me numerous nightmares and other issues on my old 440 Dodge Coronet. That is the famous AFB.
According to Carter, AFB meant ‘aluminum four barrel’, but as I experienced, in reality it was “an f&%ing b&%ch” (joke told to me by an ol’timer mechanic). It seems the air horn of the aluminum machined surface would oh so slightly warp over various heat cycles and the car would never twice idle the same. Full throttle would cause all kinds of intermittent operation (it bwould either flood, or run lean and the engine would ping to death). To this day I shudder when I hear ‘Carter AFB’.
I learned later that (believe it, or not) Holley has a rebuilding center in Bowling Green, KY, that acutally re-planes the air horns on AFBs and has a ‘propriety’ re-assembly procedure that alleviates the issues. It has something to do with the order and torque of the air horn on re-assembly.
Chrysler loved to use the ol’Carter “BBD” 2 barrels on every 318 and ‘super’ slant 6 made. They were a simple, reliable carb that was plagued with funcky choke pull offs and bi-metal springs. I finally mastered this carb after spending hundreds of hours tinkering with these.
Carter today is owned by conglomerate Federal Mogul. They make Champion spark plugs, ANCO wipers, FelPro gaskets, etc, etc. I believe the AFB is still in production in Mexico, although I can’t understand why anyone would buy one of these when a Holley is such a better product?
Thanks for the trip down (a bad) memory lane. Take care, Bill
Great info..Thanks Bill.
Just thought I’d follow-up with the finished product.
If you look a back at the original post ( you can catch up on this mini project.
After a few more hour of sanding with 220 and 600 grit and Purple Metal Polish (applied with the 600 grit and polishing wheel for my Dremel) you can see the results as compared with the original code aluminum pieces.
Now I won’t be able use the entire kit from Summit Racing but I will install this as the replacement for the old stock tension bracket.
Thanks for reading.
Ok contest time. Free gift if you are the first to post the correct answer. What was the first car with disc brakes?
Come lets see what you know,