Some of you know I don’t just write this blog, but participate on other forums as well.
For a little while now, I’ve been writing bi-monthly articles for site.
Here is some info on the goals of the organization. No you don’t have to donate, but it is tax deductible.
This section of our website contains information and resources for anyone who might want to better understand this fascinating and complex sport.
Automobile racing is exciting and colorful, and those same qualities make it a stimulating and enticing subject; also conducive to developing knowledge and skills.
Our objective here is to provide both the motivation and the resources for further exploration and education.
The content here will continue to grow as time goes on. It will include more in-depth features on the history, people and innovations of American auto racing. We also will present practical applications of math, physics and science in racing, which provide career opportunities in fields that include design, engineering and a variety of technologies. All this is presented in a way that’s designed to spark interest and stimulate a desire to learn more.
Check in here often to find new opportunities and resources.
As a starting point, we offer these two downloadable Educator DigiKits in pdf format:
Science, Life Skills and Innovations in American Automobile Racing
Educator DigiKit
Teacher Guide and Unit Plan for grades 3-8
Physics, Technology and Engineering in Automobile Racing
Educator DigiKit
Teacher Guide and Unit Plan for grades 9-12