I begin discussing ALL the work that has to be done to #ProjectSR76 1976 Stingray. There’s a lot!! Spreadsheets are being created and mini projects planned out.
Of course, everything is subject to funding. As you know, Average Guys have Average Budgets. There is no magic number, but no corners are cut for safety.
I created an Eckler’s project and started adding my NEEDS for #SR76. The entire carpet package is $430.00. Which isn’t bad. But the roll of the looped black carpet was only about $30. Can I make it work? Well, you’ll be the second to know.
If you have an idea or have a comment make it here or on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLWYRoUPd_SANVjRj77cwkw) or our FaceBook page.
Here is part of my discussion (with myself) on my To Do List:

SR=Stingray 76 -1976