1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Window Felt Install Part I

Thanks for checking back in on #ProjectSportsRoof.

For a long time I thought installing door window felt or window seal was an impossible task.  Either you couldn’t get the pieces because they aren’t reproduced or it was done in such a way that make it possible for the Average Guy to make it happen.

It’s been a while since I had to consider replacement – my 1970 Mustang restoration didn’t require new felt, so is wasn’t a concern.  But the 1973 SportsRoof needed it badly, as you can see in the video for exterior walk around (click HERE to review).  Before I began the search I was concerned that I wouldn’t find them – 1973 was a unique year in a lot of ways (fenders – grille) and with the differences between the 1971-1972 and 1973 it wouldn’t be hard to image these just weren’t profitable to reproduce.

Thankfully I was wrong.  I found these on one of the Mustang part sites and they are produced by “Repops” (which I may called something different in one of the videos you’ll see in these posts).  The were very good quality, but needed some modifications.

Let’s take a look at them.

Repops' Window Felt

Repops’ Window Felt

Just a side note:  The audio on this set of videos it not great.  I forgot that I had my fan on and at times that over powers the audio – especially when I move in side.  My apologizes ahead of time!!!

BONUS VIDEO SECTION:  In the last section of the video above I covered a little tip for keeping the interior of the door dry.  As I look back, I realize that my 1970 Mustang DID have two holes in the bottom of the door originally.  However, they were a bit smaller than those in bottom of the ’73 and prone to getting plugged very easily – which is why I added a few more.

To install the inside felt (the outside is rubber – which make sense) I had to remove the top door panel inside, which was just two screws.  Then I need to take a look at how to remove the felt from that piece.


Next two videos show the removal of the felt from the top interior section of the door panel.




After cutting the fold ends of the staples the felt just popped off with a screw driver.

Part II of the window felt  install is coming up.

Thanks for view Average Guys Car Restoration.



1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Exterior Walk-Around

Welcome back to #ProjectSportsRoof. I run my car projects much like I run my IT projects. You always have to know where to start and know the end game. As with any project that isn’t being built from scratch, in other word, …




1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – This Just In #2

Received a set of reproduction front fenders for the 1973 Mustang #ProjectSportsRoof.

They will be replacing these:


Right Side Fender - lots of crinkles, a few creases and good size dent.

Right Side Fender – lots of crinkles, a few creases and good size dent.

Left Fender - major dent a lot of rebuilding necessary

Left Fender – major dent a lot of rebuilding necessary

The new fenders are from Dynacorn and although the reviews of all repops are all over the place, I’m going to judge for myself and share the videos.


I hope to tackle these with in the next two weeks.


Next up is the install of the new window felt, both inside and outside.  You’ll be interested to hear how the reproduction window felt fit.

Thanks for reading.



 projectsportsroof projectsportsroof

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – What are You Gonna …

I get a lot of questions on just what I’m going to do with the Sports Roof. Some of those are posed as inquires of interest and others can be interpreted as “What the hell were you thinking when you bought that!!!”. Truth is I don’t …
1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

#ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost …

dynacorn mustang body

SEMA: You want it; they got it | Hemmings Daily

Dynacorn Mustang body. Dynacorn’s new 1967 Mustang fastback body. Mormon Meteor III. Ab Jenkins’s Mormon Meteor III. For all its grandeur and provenance, nobody paid attention to it at SEMA. (UPDATE: It got a little love …




1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Compression Test Part II

This is the wrap up on the compression testing for the 1973 Mustang w/ a 1972 351 Cleveland power plant.

You’ll might have notices that I referred to the remote tester, which is my code for remote starter…yeah…that’s it!!!

All of these tests were dry test and I should have done a wet test on cylinder 2 to help determine if the rings were shot,  I’m thinking it’s just a valve issue.

The left bank of cylinders looked like this:

Cylinder 5 (front right) – 160

Cylinder 6 – 155

Cylinder 7 – 160

Cylinder 8 – 140

Here are the videos.

Cylinder 5

Cylinder 6


Cylinder 7


Cylinder 8


Those are some pretty good numbers.  But the heads will have to come off and sent out for a spa day…UNLESS…I replace them with something else?   Like?????

Thanks for reading.




1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Compression Test Part I

I’ve done all the clean up and all the adjustments necessary to get a good reading on the health of the ’72 351C engine in my 1973 Mustang. The next step is to check.

1973 Mustang Project Sportsroof – Engine Walk-Through.

There is a quick walk-through of the 351C tucked between the fenders of the 1973 Mustang Sportsroof. (It took about 5 takes to get this video…a slight improvement.

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

#ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost …

1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix …

Continuing on with the leaks and Pertronix install on the 351C, below you’ll see the cleaned up valve covers (BTW – only the right side was leaking – which may explain.


1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – The Little Things

During the course of a restoration that are the major processes that need to be tended too, like body work, engine rebuild or interior work that takes the lime light and a the bulk of the time spend on the project.  There are often small gaps when there’s a some free time, like waiting for parts, etc. or just a break for the big stuff to take care of some of the little.

For example:  If you’ve watched the videos, in particular the engine walk through post (Link it) you’ve seen the radiator reservoir was….um…a little lower than what would be considered normal.

A tad bit low.

A tad bit low.



Here’s a little clip on the repair.


It’s always great to accomplish something on a project, even the little things.


Thanks for reading.




1973 Mustang Project Sportsroof – Engine Walk-Through.

There is a quick walk-through of the 351C tucked between the fenders of the 1973 Mustang Sportsroof. (It took about 5 takes to get this video…a slight improvement.

1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix …

Continuing on with the leaks and Pertronix install on the 351C, below you’ll see the cleaned up valve covers (BTW – only the right side was leaking – which may explain.

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

#ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost …





1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix & Leaks! Part III

Thanks for checking back on the #ProjectSportsRoof progress.  Wrapping up the Pertronix install, I’ll had an issue.  After install the system the car would not start.   So I re-gapped the Pertronix and still it  wouldn’t start.   I was sure I didn’t screw up the firing order when I put the new cap on, but I pulled out the book and rechecked.  Not the problem.

So I went about putting the points and condenser back in and it still didn’t fire up, put the old coil back on and still no luck.  I put the Pertronix back in and of course the beast would not fire up.

This video covers it.


If you read the previous post and watched the video, you would have noticed gas seeping from a crack in the rubber line just above the “steam punk” fuel pressure gauge and the collection of hose clams.  Truly a work of art – no doubt, but totally a mess.

Ye,s I should have looked that over better and replaced it prior running the car.  However, it’s better now and a solid temporarily fix.  Here a clip.

Again, this is a temp fix and a proper line will be installed eventually.

Here’s a wrenching tip:  When install hose clamps on a gas line, be sure you’ve tighten them all before your start the car.  Gas has a tendency to not flow in the desired direction, when not well contained.  Yeah…gas everywhere and not just a little.   Here’s garage tip:  Cat Litter – buckets full!!!  ‘nough said!!!

Thanks for reading and as always….let me hear from you.




 projectsportsroof projectsportsroof

1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix …

As I march down the dark path that is the diagnostic process to find out the health of the 351 Cleveland, the first steps are to clean up a few leaks (mainly so it.
1973 Mustang – Project Sports Roof

As I posted before, after a vigorous (not read ‘desperate’) I finally found my next personal project. The 1973 Mustang Sports Roof Fastback is what I settled on.
1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix …

Continuing on with the leaks and Pertronix install on the 351C, below you’ll see the cleaned up valve covers (BTW – only the right side was leaking – which may explain.


1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix & Leaks! Part II

Continuing on with the leaks and Pertronix install on the 351C, below you’ll see the cleaned up valve covers (BTW – only the right side was leaking – which may explain the gunked up spark plug).

As I was cleaning up the valve cover gaskets and notices a couple more issue that need addressing.

Let me know your thoughts on the transmission cooling lines.

Finally we get to the main event for this past weekend wrenching, the install of the Pertronix Ignition system.  (Yeah…I didn’t  think I’d get here either.)

This a relatively easy install, unless you are me!!!!  You’ll see in the video – it really wasn’t related to the Pertronix.

Here's what is being installed.

Here’s what is being installed.

It will replace these.

It will replace these.

Now I’m not going to show the install CJ Pony had a good video on the process and I don’t have a camera guy to take the shot.  Here’s a link:  CJ Pony Install

So the audio is not that great on this clip but it is running better then previously.   You’ll notice toward the end of this clip…a new problem!


I’ll address that in the last part of this section.

Thanks for reading.



1973 Mustang Project Sportsroof – Engine Walk-Through.

There is a quick walk-through of the 351C tucked between the fenders of the 1973 Mustang Sportsroof. (It took about 5 takes to get this video…a slight improvement.

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

#ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost …

1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Exterior Walk-Around

Welcome back to #ProjectSportsRoof. I run my car projects much like I run my IT projects. You always have to know where to start and know the end game. As with any project that isn’t being built from scratch, in other word, …

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – What are You Gonna …

I get a lot of questions on just what I’m going to do with the Sports Roof. Some of those are posed as inquires of interest and others can be interpreted as “What the.

1973 Mustang – Project Sports Roof

As I posted before, after a vigorous (not read ‘desperate’) I finally found my next personal project. The 1973 Mustang Sports Roof Fastback is what I settled on.

1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Interior Walk-Through

Welcome back to the #ProjectSportsRoof. As the discovery process continues we move to the interior. Now each area of the car (engine, body, interior,















1973 Mustang – Project Sportsroof – Leaks, Pertronix & Leaks! Part I

As I march down the dark path that is the diagnostic process to find out the health of the 351 Cleveland, the first steps are to clean up a few leaks (mainly so it doesn’t bleed fluids all over the garage floor and driveway) and replace the points and condenser with a Petronix system.

If you are not familiar Petronix it’s a simple electronic ignition system (as compared with a MSD electronic ignition system) that keeps your car looking stock, as it all tucks under the distributor cap.

First I need to trouble a few leaks.  If you wonder why I’m whispering in the any of the video it’s because to avoid the 100 plus temps I get started early.

Of course the power steering has nothing to do with the engine, but it is substantial and annoying.  As a side note, when is a garage not a garage?  When it’s the most used entry way into your home.   Hence the desire to tackle these leaks before  move the Mustang under cover.  Of course I can put something on the floor but you know as well as I do, that doesn’t matter, because one of the unpublished laws of physics, that goes something like  “Car fluids defy all published laws of physics and go where the hell they want.”

Here is the power steering cleaned up a bit.

We'll see if leaks again. On to the next leak!

We’ll see if it leaks again. On to the next leak!












Now we’ve got one more leak to take care of and that is the valve covers. Check it out:


I’ll get Part II post up here shortly.  I’m breaking it up as too many videos tend to slow the loading on the page.

Thanks for reading.



pertronix ignition projectsportsroof

1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – What are You Gonna …

I get a lot of questions on just what I’m going to do with the Sports Roof. Some of those are posed as inquires of interest and others can be interpreted as “What the.

1973 Mustang – Project Sports Roof

As I posted before, after a vigorous (not read ‘desperate’) I finally found my next personal project. The 1973 Mustang Sports Roof Fastback is what I settled on.

1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Interior Walk-Through

Welcome back to the #ProjectSportsRoof. As the discovery process continues we move to the interior. Now each area of the car (engine, body, interior,




1973 Mustang Project Sportsroof – Engine Walk-Through.

There is a quick walk-through of the 351C tucked between the fenders of the 1973 Mustang Sportsroof.

(It took about 5 takes to get this video…a slight improvement over the earlier attempts.)

As you can see there’s work to be done.  Below is a quick video on the cap/rotor/points and condenser.

While taking a look at the plugs, I discovered a good use for Rewards Cards.


There you have a quick overview and a little insight in to what needs to be done.  I think I’ve talked my self in to keeping the 351C, even though it’s not original to the car and a year older, I just like the idea of a period 351C – yup a re-manufactured is a an option, but let’s see what this is looks like first.  Your thoughts?

Next up will be the install Pertronix system and cap and rotor, then plug and wires.

Thanks for reading and drop me a note.





1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Interior Walk-Through

Welcome back to the #ProjectSportsRoof. As the discovery process continues we move to the interior. Now each area of the car (engine, body, interior,
1973 Mustang – Project Sports Roof

As I posted before, after a vigorous (not read ‘desperate’) I finally found my next personal project. The 1973 Mustang Sports Roof Fastback is what I settled on.
1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Exterior Walk-Around

Welcome back to #ProjectSportsRoof. I run my car projects much like I run my IT projects. You always have to know where to start and know the end game. As with any project that isn’t being built from scratch, in other word, …
1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

#ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost …

1973 mach i

Carbonear car show concludes on successful — and loud — note

Wade Hiscock of Carbonear poses in front of his impressive 1973 Mach I Fastback Ford Mustang. It was one of three vehicles Hiscock had on display as this weekend’s Shine and Show in Carbonear. Hiscock moved back to Carbonear last year after 26 years …


1973 Mustang – Project SportsRoof – Money!!

No I’m not going to ask for donations…although….well…nah!   HEY…maybe a Go Fund My Ford website?  Well if any parts house (@NPDLink – you guys rock), restoration supplies or tool distributors send something – even a t-shirt, I’ll post up an ad on AGCarRestoration.com for you, heck I’ll wear the shirt during one my unprofessional videos!!!  Um…not that I’m doing anything unprofessional….just not a professionally produced videos.

Seriously now, I was asked to day – thanks Bill for reminding me that I should touch on this – what my budget is for this project.  My real answer is I don’t have one.  Not…”I don’t have one” as in it’s unlimited – remember average guy, average budget – more like “I don’t have one” as in “I don’t know where that moneys coming from” .

I didn’t set a budget with my 1970 Mustang, things just happened and I went with it.

1970 Mustang Mods for 300 HP

1970 Mustang
Mods for 300 HP

It will be the same with this project.  #ProjectSportsRoof will be the way I want it, which I haven’t nailed down yet, so suggest way by dropping me a comment (got your crate motor idea swimming around in my head, Bill) and that will happen fast or slow and cost what it costs.  I’m not going to flip the car – this one is a keeper.  (So was my 1970, up to a certain dollar amount.)

This project is different than the ’70 Stang, I want this one to be more of my work than the ’70 was – although I did a lot of work on that beast.   This project will be at a slower pace, I think, than the 1970. (If you recall the the ’70 Stang was helped along by the fact that driving a 6 cylinder (250CID – with 159,000 miles) with the A/C on was like peddling a bike up the Washington Monument and the young kid who was to busy entertaining his GF to stop behind me at a red stoplight.

This one will be different.

Like this?  Maybe.

Like this? Maybe.

Coming up tomorrow will be the 351C walk-around (actually performed that a couple of days ago, but videos were…bad!!  I even lost the first segment).

Thanks for reading.




1973 Mustang – Project Sports Roof

As I posted before, after a vigorous (not read ‘desperate’) I finally found my next personal project. The 1973 Mustang Sports Roof Fastback is what I settled on.
1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Interior Walk-Through

Welcome back to the #ProjectSportsRoof. As the discovery process continues we move to the interior. Now each area of the car (engine, body, interior,
1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Exterior Walk-Around

Welcome back to #ProjectSportsRoof. I run my car projects much like I run my IT projects. You always have to know where to start and know the end game. As with any project that isn’t being built from scratch, in other word, …



1973 Mustang Project SportsRoof – Interior Walk-Through

Welcome back to the #ProjectSportsRoof.   As the discovery process continues we move to the interior.   Now each area of the car (engine, body, interior, undercarriage) I’m conducting an inventory, gathering all items that need to be replaced or missing and the work that needs to be done.

Here is a quick run through the interior:


Just a note:  I not a camera guy, these are filmed with my Android (sometimes my IPhone) so these are the greats shots.  But they will be improving as I learn the art of digital editing.

From these videos I’ll end up with a list of everything – discovered (there will me more).  From this list, I’ll be able to build the project plan and with tasked ordered in what is hopefully a logical approach, with the goal of keeping it on the road as much as possible.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to drop a comment or two.




Unusual Dash Configuration, 1971? – 7173MUSTANGS.com

I pulled this dash cluster from a 1973 Mustang Sportsroof that was in a junkyard in 1980. The car had the three center gauges in the mini cluster but had no Tach. Instead it had this clock with a brake warning light in the pod …
1973 Mustang Mach 1: Boss In The Background – Barn Finds

Related Finds. 1973 Mustang SportsRoof 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Under Tarp 1970-mustang-boss-302 1970 Boss 302 · Get Email Updates! Instant Daily Weekly. Categories. Stories · Sightings · Our Projects · Events …