So it’s Labor Day Weekend. The unofficial end of summer. (I’m guessing it’s because there isn’t another holiday until November – no one celebrates Columbus day any more).
End of summer or not we took a quick trip to a small town south of here and of course on a beautiful Arizona day (80 degrees and sunny) the classic cars come out.
Take a look:

Not Just one Ford Delux….

…But TWO Ford Delux classics
I love the panel truck

Love the fenders
My favorite: The tear drop headlight brightwork

Tear drop Headlight chrome

Single rear door with very nice pin-striping
Well done Ford Deluxe Delivery.
The Deluxe coupe had the save great lines as the other.

Beautiful Coupe. Love the wide white walls. Looks like it’s in the process of having it’s running boards replaced.

Rear end looks so classic. What???? Are those straight pipes coming out the back? Are there 4 of them? That has gotta sound nice!!!

Not a favorite color but it was styling with the chrome wheel and huge white wall….and again those cool tear drop headlight
Little bit further down the street ran in to this beauty!!
Come on!! Don’t tell me you don’t want jump on this Trail 90 and pop some wheelies right there in the parking lot!!!!
Here’s nice looking 427 parked outside the food ‘co-op’.

I’m pretty sure that this isn’t Andy’s car,but I love the look (too bad it’s not a coupe). Notice the NCM on the rims.
Here a little clip of Andy’s Corvette Hall of Fame induction.
Then there were these great looking classics out on the street.

Chevy 300 Wagon – nice chrome/dog dish wheels

Beautiful Bel Air – still under construction
And what’s a road trip without a peak in a couple of backyards to see what might be stashed there. Check this one out:


Looks like a Cushman over there on the left!

There a Dodge Cornet 440, Mercedes hidden on the right. A Chev and Plymouth???
O.K. Now you now you want to climb in to our neighbor’s backyard and see what he’s got, don’t you? Send me pick when you do!!!!!
Thanks for reading.