I have a bunch of other posts ready to publish..ok…fine but they are started…including Auto Factoids, The Bridgestone project, a couple of Drive By/Parking Lot Spot pieces but just had to stop and type a bit about Hess Trucks.
I recently got the latest issue of Hemmings Motor News and flipping through it I saw this article on Hess Gas Stations and the promotional toys they sell.

If you are from the North East you will have seen the Hess stations.
I remember these stations as a kid, always seemed bright and clean. I also remember getting the Hess trucks as gifts. We weren’t well off so they were usually a Christmas gift and I think we mainly got them from one set of grand parents. I remember playing with them inside and outside and they didn’t last very long and we never considered saving them.

This is the first model my father sent my son.
When my son was born my father began sending one every Christmas to him. He loved getting them and would play with them a bit, but that was about the time computers and gaming consoles became common place and began taking the place of playing, as we did when we were young. For 14 years my Dad would sent one every year. We still have all of them, even the 1982 pictured above (which is actually two years older than my son) original boxes and all. My son would play with them a bit and then we’d remove the batteries and put them back in box. They are all nicely packet and in the attic, ready for my son to pass on to his son/daughter.
They come in many different models – tankers, flat beds, 18 wheelers, police and others, and apparently are only available around Christmas time. I didn’t realize that until I read the Hemming article, that explains why I got them for Christmas gifts and my son as well.
Hess started the tradition in 1964. The article further state that Hess is dropping out of the gas station business (Remember when they were called ‘filling stations’ or ‘service stations’?) and will concentrate only on refining but the good news is they will keep the convenient stores and folks will be able to purchase the trucks at those location every holiday season. Oh yeah….they are available online WWW.HESSTOYTRUCK.COM .
Do you have a Hess Toy Truck collection? Drop us a note.
Thanks for reading.