Yesterday in 1920 the Lincoln car company was born…yup….it was its own entity at one time.
Oh and in 1974 on today’s date President Nixon signed the 55 mph speed limit into law…BOO!!!!!!
Yesterday in 1920 the Lincoln car company was born…yup….it was its own entity at one time.
Oh and in 1974 on today’s date President Nixon signed the 55 mph speed limit into law…BOO!!!!!!
If you recall in a previous post I mentioned the psychological hurdles that some (at least I) have to over come when working on our own cars. The one of them was the “fear” of breaking it yourself. Remember? Well ya go….
It’s the end of January and I still had my x-mas lights up….so yesterday (1/24) I decided they had to come down. I didn’t want to be the guy taking them down in June (like my neighbor).
So, I pull the Vette into the lower part of the drive and then proceeded to back the Mustang down. The Mustang takes a while to warm up so instead I just release the e-brake, pushed the clutch in and coasted down the driveway.
Had a neighborhood kid in the driveway so I was keeping an eye on him (he’s 5 yrs old) and I left the door of the Stang open.
Yeah…you guessed it….I heard a crunch and I looked over to the left and there was my Mustang door (good old American steel) stuck in my Vette’s fender!!!!!
All I can say is plastic bumpers saved the day….not so much for the fiber glass fender and belt molding on the vette.
Oh..adding insult to injury the 5 yrs old said..”That’s why you need to close the door..that’s what my Dad says!”
If it ain’t one thing it’s another!!!
Thanks for reading.
1/17 /…
1956 – Ford Motor Co begins public trading of stock
1903 – Cadillac appears at the NY Car show in Madison Square Garden
1/19/1952 – Jersey Turnpike was finished
1/21/1954 – 1st gas turbine vehicle was displayed in New York
I’ll begin post within a couple days, as my family pauses to mourn the loss of my wife’s mother Vida Gudenkauf. We’ll miss you.
See you in a couple days.
Sorry for the delay. I’ll be posting more tomorrow. I’ve been under the weather.
Here is a of the only “incident”. One member spun out his 08 Vette and took out a fence post. No injuries but damage to the car was unavoidable.
The next few posts will have pics and some videos to show the fun that was had at this event. This first one shows one of my runs and where I left the course. I did get back on, but the course rule was you either stopped or limped home. This was my worst time, 44 seconds plus.
Not much to blog this evening, tuning up the C4 for the Auto X tomorrow morning.
Will post up tomorrow. Pics and Vids
So I left off with perhaps one of the worse fears, breaking it yourself.
Having it broken by someone else is only slightly better, YOU didn’t do it, so you can be mad at someone and chances are the signification other will lighten up, especially when they find you sobbing uncontrollably, laying on the hood your classic.
I have had that experience with my Mustang. Since kids might run across this blog I won’t use the language I might normally, when relaying this next incident.
I had just gotten the engine conversion done and I was happy. Some work on my part and fair amount of money got me to where the car had the power it needed. I’ll talk more about the modification and conversion later on. I think I had the car back for a couple months and one day…a rainy day….errk………..I live in southern Arizona ….what manner of horrible luck can you have to deserve such crappy timing? I was only a mile from home and I stopped at a red light. 10 cars in front me and as I waiting with them, I glanced in my rear view mirror. There I see a small white pick-up in the distance coming my way. As I watched, I realized that he was coming pretty fast. A nano second later I was 100% sure he wasn’t going to stop. I shoved the clutch in, dropped her in to first, cranked the steering wheel to the right, hit the gas and popped the clutch. Well, the additional power I longed for, now realized…spun the rear wheels, in what normally would have been an enjoyable manner, but right that minute I was wishing for the straight 6 again…(well..maybe not exactly). I was just able to nose the Mustang’s front end way from the car in front of me when I looked up and saw…(this was all happening in extremely slow motion – right now just playing it in my seems like ten minutes at least) this white pickup starting to stop and then I felt the slam from behind. The force pushed the Mustang past the car in front of me by 3/4 of a car length. If I had not gotten the few precious inches just before the tires began spinning, I would have destroyed my 3 month old bored out 302 and all the hard work that went into the engine bay, electrical, and new AC would have been for naught.
Ok I’m going to stop here for the now. More tomorrow.
One more day until Corvette Auto X day. Taking my son with me, he’ll be grabbing some vids and pics that I’ll share.
Thanks for reading and thanks for being able to read!!!!
I’ll be taking the C4 to Firebird International Raceway this Saturday. Auto X is a lot of fun. You can enjoy yourself even if with the lower horsepower cars. This one is being sponsored by my vette club Arizona Corvette Enthusiasts (ACE) you can find them at
I’ll post up any pics I can get and maybe a few v-clips. This will be a good test for the recently level two built trans and I haven’t done very much hard cornering with her since we redid all the bushing with polyurethane replacements.
Check back on Sunday for some details.
Thanks for reading.