This weekend I attended the 8th Annual Tucson Classic Car Show put on by the Rotary Club of Tucson. I’ve attend the last 5 of these shows, twice as a participant (once with my ’84 Vette and ’70 Mustang and then once again with just the Mustang) and it has never disappointed and it’s on GRASS!!! Yes!!! No hot sticky black top parking lot or weed ridden field, but an actual grassy sports field, it’s fantastic!!!!
This year was no different and in fact it exceeded the past two years by the number of cars, value of cars and in two other aspects. This year the show was opened up to motorcycles (way cool!!) and toss in the display of one of the rarest early and privately owned cars that hasn’t been seen in public in many years (more on that in next post).
The cars were outstanding as always and covered just about any era, from the 1911 to 2014 Corvette Sting Ray (classic from day one). I’ll show a few of those in the a later post.
For this post I want to extol the motorcycle corral, it was small – but awesome!
I love getting to a car show early – before all the exhibitors arrive. Getting my car set up and then watching the other participants bring their cars in. It’s a great what to select the ‘gotta see first’ cars. I didn’t make it that early to this year’s event, but was early enough to see the a few of the motorcycles show up and there were some fantastic bikes. It’s a treat to see someone ride up in one of the first Indian motorcycles or a Royal Enfield…yes….they were ridden in!!!

One of the oldest Indians I’ve every seen running!!!

Very Cool Bike!!!
There were some other great bikes there, like the Triumph and Norton.

Norton Commando 750 – Awesome bike!!!

1976 BMW – Norton in the background

Another great looking Indian

Classic Indian – love the fenders.
So my goal is to get my 1966 Bridgestone Dual Twin ready for next year!! Fingers Crossed!!!!
Thanks for reading more coming up on the 8th Annual Tucson Classic Car Show!!!
That’s a good price – as long at it’s got the numbers matching engine. I just pick up a book on collectable police cars.
4.6 v8 auto 170000 miles dark blue white doors automatic. Body perfect except light bar holes interior nice.
Elwood blue would buy.
I’ll try to send a picture
Meet me out here and I’ll buy this car and we drive back
It would make a good car for my daughter
Thanks for this sorry I missed the show still in derby city.
Saw a 2005 indiana state trooper mustang on a used car lot $3999 should buy and drive back