#ProjectSportsRoof – Fuel System Diagram

As I sorted out the fuel issues with my ’73 Mustang (#ProjectSportsRoof) (#SR73)  I was asked about the fuel system and what I used for reference.

I have all the manuals and specs with diagrams  but the best I’ve found is from a a sales catalog.   National Parts Depot has it laid out and labeled.  You’ll have to excuse their SKU numbers but it’s a great resource.

Check it out:   – OH I will have an update on the fuel issue coming up next, along with shocks and some other work being done on #SR73.


Hope this helps.



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2 Responses to #ProjectSportsRoof – Fuel System Diagram

  1. Bill says:

    Good detail. It shows two different fuel pumps. I assume one is 6 cylinder and the other V8?

    • Tim Sweet says:

      No real difference in the 6 vs. 8. There is a difference in the between the 60’s and the 70’s. Mainly the floats and sending units.

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