Few post back I mentioned the issues with being able to shift the C6 into reverse and then generally the shift began to get worse. Additionally the clutch fluid would become low.
As most Corvette owners know, the C6 has a separate hydraulic clutch. I had the fluid flushed numerous times and eventually we found a small leak at the clutch slave cylinder.
Replaced the cylinder and stopped the leak. This stopped the fluid usage and shifting improved, but only slightly.
Eventually it began getting much worse. With the ignition on the car would not go into reverse at all. The only way to get it into reverse was to turn the car off, put the that trans in reverse and start the car. Even then, it would sometimes kick itself out of gear when started Then highway shifting began slipping and RPM when up.
I do auto cross the car and I guess some spirited street driving. Here is what my clutch and flywheel now look like, yes… I saved them!!!


Clutch 2
Those shiny rivets – not a good thing!!!!

The Flywheel, interesting coloration, don’t you think?
Yes it was time for a replacement.
What was the replacement?
That is coming up next.
Thanks for reading.
Did you do the work?
How many miles on the clutch? I assume it is original.
Who’s doing the work?
Hey Bill. 58,000 miles. Works done.