I love reading about cars. While reading a book entitled “CAR WARS” by Mantle, I ran across some interesting cars. So I thought I’d toss down some notes on them see what you think.
The first one was called the Tatra T87 and it was actually a Czech car, built in the city of Koprivnica. During WWII it was occupied by the Germans. Stories have it that the V8 was too much for the German officers could handle and “so many were killed the German high command” ordered the factory to stop producing the cars.
After the war of course the Russians, by agreement with the Allies, got control of the Czech country and had the Tatra T87 produced. The Tatra painted in Russian colors were used to smuggle out scientist from behind the Iron Curtain. Part of the agreement with the Allies was that each party was allowed to drive from Austria to Czechoslovakia freely. The West German intelligence would transport the “specially painted” T87’s in an enclosed van and then unload them, grab the scientists and drive back to Austria in Tatras painted with Russian colors unchecked.
So what the heck did this cars look like? What were the spec? Take a look!!
So I’m thinking a need a fin for the Mustang!!!!
Thanks for reading.
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